
朝三暮四朝秦暮楚陽奉陰違居心叵測摧枯拉朽抱殘守缺沽名釣譽 以上皆為Hugo Lau的陰暗面 為防被虛偽的表面所蒙蔽 特設這本日記 披露此君脆弱的心靈 懇請各位看倌小心

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Location: Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Emotional freedom addicted I am

Friday, March 11, 2005


how you were so tired?
I slept later and woke earlier than you
but still found that you were tired when you awake
you do look like my little bro
and the time we went to buy fruits and had lunch was harmonic
you are right the that the feeling is good when we saw a same magazine and discussed the content through
that's what I did with bonnie and au pak when we were students
they wouldn't buy magazine nowadays since every time I would buy and borrow them
I'm used to be the one who give in terms of publishing material
books, CDs, VCD...
but that's the way friends treat @ other
they'd give more than I in other fields

and I haven't been shopping properly
I regard shopping as an activity that there is no specific or particular stuff to buy
one just want to check new things out and waiting for some surprises on the way
the water bottle is really cool
its not only a water bottle but a memory of surprise
the sweater from Polo (I wish that I've time to buy it)
the yellow wrist band
books from page one
the lost ring.........and your scarf
once you've written in your diary that you couldn't hold yourself to do that anymore since you've been working on something for the whole day
and Simon is doing the same thing at the time
that made me link up two matter simply
anyway, I would put it on in this winter though I look fatter with the scarf on
I'm tired but happy today
since I didn't have a enjoying shopping for a long long time
every time just rush to buy something and leave
thanks bro...u're my best buddy

(but dun ask me to eat 7-11 any more, 無咁大隻蛤x隨行跳)


I decided not to talk about the sadness I have from my job from this day onward
I've been weak and irresponsible in this issue
kept on blaming others and showed no interest in my job
while I have no intention to even update my resume and application letter
not to mention those piped unread recruits in office
undeniable that working in BPI has abraded my ambitions, aggressiveness and vigour
to write a novel is iimportant in my plan in order to fix my life and retrieve my confident
it wouldn't be good to hang out with a guy muttering all over
I hate that kind of people and I wouldn't be happy to be a nasty guy too

Jay's concert is really good
its a pity that I couldn't get the ticket of $400
his has steady live performance
his talent in musical instruments has been expressed through the double piano show with his fd
acoustic songs of 星晴 安靜...
everyone got dissolved completely into his voice and his masculine move
he isn't good looking
but he is manlike blooded that you wouldn't care how he looks like
a strong servant is always sexier than a charm prince
but I wished that he wouldn't sing canton song
I enjoyed his 紅豆 more than 償還
a magnificent night


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