
朝三暮四朝秦暮楚陽奉陰違居心叵測摧枯拉朽抱殘守缺沽名釣譽 以上皆為Hugo Lau的陰暗面 為防被虛偽的表面所蒙蔽 特設這本日記 披露此君脆弱的心靈 懇請各位看倌小心

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Location: Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Emotional freedom addicted I am

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Pussy dog

So after my dad declared that we are the owner of the roof, we occupied it immediately and now there's fridge, washing machine, dining table, sunblock, plantings and puppy. Yeah I made it, finally I can keep a pet here, after having WW III with dad. So you know that the power being defeated would be forced to sign a lot of unfair contracts, i have made a dozen of promises to ensure that he could be completely hands off to this matter. That's how we have a new member of the family.

We are very sure that we want to adopt a dog, and we reli had a dog from spca, but this babe is so damn cat!! He sleeps all the time, he shows very limited interest to all the tricks u human has invented for puppy, he is not friendly nor intimate like the general doggies, yes he is not quite dog, and compare with the new generation cats, he is still very lofty (Cats today are less aggressive and protective don't you think?). Yet its interesting to have this arrogant creature at home, since technique is required to arouse his passion and people likes to take up challenge.

As expected, my parents treat him as grandson and dad even snapped at me that "Yes I am the one who misses him most if he leaves us", after heard of sending the puppy back to spca. So everything solved, welcome to our family 麻甩!

From top to bottom
1/his tiny foreleg, he master 'handhand' within 2 weeks, being clever is one of the reason why daddy loves him to death.
2/Ok now you might say he looks so depress and sweet, well i tell you what, that's what we though at the beginning and we always worried that he was not active too. Now he hangs on the face most of the time is a wicked one. As I claimed at the beginning, I see his naughty potential and there he's.om
3/Suckling dog version?
4/He didn't care that the pillow covered his whole body, sweet dream dear.
5/Don't be mislead, he lives completely well here. But I am not sure whether he enjoys it


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