
朝三暮四朝秦暮楚陽奉陰違居心叵測摧枯拉朽抱殘守缺沽名釣譽 以上皆為Hugo Lau的陰暗面 為防被虛偽的表面所蒙蔽 特設這本日記 披露此君脆弱的心靈 懇請各位看倌小心

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Location: Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Emotional freedom addicted I am

Friday, March 11, 2005

Being late for the Jap lesson again
I didn't expect to play for that long
still we've lost of concentration in the first half of the class
but its better when it came to the exercise sections
undeniable that one would stay awake when his brain is running
we were much focus in listening and re-ordering sentence after break
sure that the biscuits stick helped us from starving
the charge of the food store beside the institute is unreasonably high
but the casual style and the gentle breeze made it cool to chat
it is very interesting to peek the innocent and silly side of this sophisticated girl
it gives you a heroic feeling while you help in solving her problem
that's why big boy is always popular and could draw much attention than experienced old bird
everyone like to be superior when teaching or directing others I guess
but I truly look for a solution for my friends everytime they face difficulties


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